lundi 26 mars 2012

Monday's thought of the week

Sign by Keep Calm Posters

Even though we live in relatively peaceful times, the message of this poster inspired by the WWII British propaganda to boost morale is still a helpful reminder when everyday life gets too hectic. Take a deep breath, stay calm, stay focused, and whatever needs to be done will get done.

mercredi 21 mars 2012

Photographic Tinkering: Instagram App

Recently, I became really curious about the Instagram App. Since it was free, I downloaded it onto my phone and tinkered with it. I like the different photographic effects available. Here are photos of just a few things one would find on my desk.


lundi 19 mars 2012

Monday's thought of the week

Something to remember about one's life whenever it takes a different turn. It's not always as perfect as one wants it to be and yet it's those little imperfections that make life beautiful. (Photography by magalerie)

mercredi 14 mars 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day (in advance)

I am not Irish but I celebrated Saint Patrick's Day three weeks ago by treating myself to a shamrock cookie at one of Seattle's neighborhood Macrina bakeries. The cookie is long gone but above is a photograph I took before I enjoyed my treat.